The contract for the construction of the sub-section motorway on Corridor Vc the named Počitelj – Zvirovići was signed on June 20, 2019. The subsection is 11.07 kilometers long and is divided into two LOTs.

The contractor for LOT 2- Bridge Počitelj, which is certainly the most impressive facility of the entire Corridor Vc, is a consortium consisting of Azvirt LLC from Azerbaijan, Sinohydro Corporation Limited and Powerchina Roadbridge Group Co. Ltd. from China, whose HERING is a subcontractor and in accordance with the contract performs works on the mentioned section.
Total value of works for construction of bridge is 28.114.889,53 Euro without VAT. The estimated construction period is 30 months.
Supervision over the performance of works is performed by IRD Engineering S.R.L. from Italy
Bridge Počitelj is the largest bridge on the entire Corridor Vc. It is 945 m long and 100 m high. It is a continuous prestressed reinforced concrete bridge with a box cross-section, built with the technology of free cantilever construction, the construction of which will connect the two banks of the Neretva River
Piers of the bridge are 92,97,92,91,88 and 66 m high.
Works on the construction of the Počitelj bridge are being performed at several positions at the same time. So far, piles have been successfully built on all pier places (a total of 95 pieces). At the pier site S5, the concreting of the second segment of the pier was performed, while at other locations, reinforced concrete works of the foundation are in progress. The base constructions of the piers S3 and S4 have been completed, which enables the uninterrupted continuation of the construction of the bridge.